Nov 20, 2016

"Everything Old is New Again", Sally Shisler

"Everything Old is New Again"
10x8"- $300. Sally Shisler, 2016.
Please inquire by email at

Greetings to all my devoted followers! Thanks to those of you who have checked in regularly, curious as to my whereabouts, and asking what was going on. To catch you up, this post highlights features of my recent personal journey and also gives you a peek at my new path and some upcoming events.

Life took a sharp, 180-degree turn in the spring and summer of last year; 2015. Anticipating the big '50', I began to question life's purpose. Although fearful and uncertain, I knew I had to make several major decisions. The ones I made have proven to be good. Through the process, I've found myself happier and healthier than ever. I turned 50 in September, and I've landed in the most contented of spaces. Eight months from now I will begin a second career in the field of Occupational Therapy. Some of you may ask what OT is...

"Occupational therapy is the only profession that helps people across the lifespan to do the things they want and need to do through the therapeutic use of daily activities (occupations). Occupational therapy practitioners enable people of all ages to live life to its fullest by helping them promote health, and prevent—or live better with—injury, illness, or disability." 

During my studies, (and other major life transitions), I rarely entertained conscious thoughts of my painting days. It was a much needed, clean break for a while. Occasionally I'd question whether or not I would ever pick up a palette knife again. All things come full circle - especially things that pose the greatest of struggles. Slowly, I'm learning to fully embrace the unique gifts that the universe has given me. Sharing them creates space for others to bestow their unique gifts upon me. The process makes us whole.

2017 will be a life-changing year. It begins with my 4th fieldwork rotation at an amazing facility called Neulife Rehabilitation. They serve clients and their families who have suffered devastating effects of catastrophic injuries. Here I'll start developing my own client-centered treatment approach to facilitate holistic therapeutic healing. Palette knife painting will be an important aspect of my patients' physical, mental, and spiritual recovery process. Also, I get to receive the unique gifts that they will certainly be giving to me as part of our experience together. I cannot wait!!

As for my original career in painting, new things are coming up around the bend, including local and regional workshops, as well as a weekly open studio event, starting the first of the year, with my good friend and painting partner, Noreen Coup. Check out her website to for more information on that.

Stay tuned for more details regarding my 2017 workshops. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy viewing my new work. As before, these new works are for direct sale through this blog.

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